Steps to Become a Physical Therapist

Physical Therapist

Before you can start your career in Physical Therapy Durham, you’ll need a Bachelor’s degree in a health-related field. Then, you’ll need to spend at least three years at a physical therapy school. After graduation, you’ll need to take the DPT exam and obtain a state license. After that, you can pursue specialty training.


Before you can become a physical therapist, you must complete several prerequisite courses. These courses will usually include biology, anatomy, and physiology. The program will also require you to complete supervised clinical work. Most programs require you to earn a GPA of 3.50 or higher.

After completing their education, physical therapists may choose to specialize in an area of physical therapy. During this time, they will become an expert in that area and can provide services in that area. They are also required to complete a residency and pass a specialized certification exam.

To become a Physical Therapy Durham NC, you need to earn a bachelor’s degree or doctorate. Depending on the school you enroll in, you may also need to take additional courses to prepare for the profession. Typical courses include anatomy, physiology, and biomechanics. Several graduate programs may also require a student to take courses in kinesiology, chemistry, psychology, and statistics.

Residency options

Physical therapists can choose from several residency programs to advance their careers. These programs provide post-professional education through structured curricular experiences and guided learning. To participate in these programs, applicants must be eligible to practice in their state. To learn more, contact the programs’ admissions offices.

Residency programs offer advanced training in neurologic physical therapy. The curriculum is comprehensive, and the student-to-faculty ratio is no more than one to eight. The program includes didactic, laboratory, and clinical practice modules. The clinical experience is closely supervised by accomplished clinical instructors. Ultimately, the goal of a physical therapy residency program is to help physical therapists enhance their professional stature and function independently.

Upon completion of a physical therapy residency, aspiring therapists can become board-certified clinical This program requires a full twelve-month employment period, and the resident works 35 to 40 hours a week. While in residency, he or she receives a salary proportional to the patient load. In addition, residents must pay for their own tuition.


Upon graduation from the NPTE Physical Therapist Durham training program, you will be eligible to take a national licensing exam for physical therapists. As a physical therapist, you will be able to treat patients in all kinds of settings. These settings include hospitals, community agencies, and outpatient orthopedic clinics. There are also opportunities to teach physical therapy at colleges and universities.

To become a physical therapist, you must pass the National Physical Therapy Examination (NPTE). This exam is required by all states and demonstrates your basic entry-level competence. The NPTE is an exam that tests the physical therapist’s knowledge and skills and allows you to become licensed and board certified. In addition to the NPTE, you will need to take a state exam and complete a background check. You will also need to complete continuing education requirements every two years, which will keep you abreast of changes in the health care field. If you choose, you can further your education by taking a residency or fellowship program or pursuing board certification.

The NPTE exam is a test that assesses your knowledge of clinical reasoning. It includes multiple-choice questions and requires input from multiple subject materials. After you complete a physical therapy training program, you will be ready to take the NPTE. After you have passed the exam, you will need to submit an application for licensure to your jurisdiction.

Steps to becoming a physical therapist

If you’re interested in becoming a physical therapist, you’ll need to take the appropriate steps to get started. As with any profession, physical therapy training requires rigorous academic training and hands-on lab training. Then, you must complete clinical rotations, which are crucial to acquiring the critical skills you’ll need to succeed. Along the way, you’ll make valuable connections with professionals and develop a clearer idea of the types of patient populations and settings you’d like to work with.

The first step in becoming a Physical Therapist Durham NC is to complete your undergraduate degrees in a health science field, such as exercise science or sports science. You’ll also need to take prerequisite science courses, including anatomy and physiology, chemistry, and physics. Those who want to work in the field should also take a few psychology courses, as well.


If you’d like to focus on a particular specialty, you can choose a residency program. These programs are specially designed for physical therapists. They provide advanced training and clinical supervision.