Digital Marketing
Digital marketing blogs are not a new trend. Many professionals in the digital marketing space create blogs to express their opinions and knowledge about the field they work in.
For some, a digital marketing blog is more than just a portfolio website. It is a tool to use traffic to monetize content through click-ads and later integration of affiliate marketing. To optimize any blog, and by extension a digital marketing blog, there is first a need to optimize the content marketing strategy.
For the long-term growth of a blog, the need for content marketing cannot be undermined. A blog in digital marketing has to fend off a lot of competition from hundreds of thousands of other blogs and websites of the same niche. Content marketing helps blogs keep traffic levels sustainable despite high competition.
In this article, we will discuss key components of a killer content marketing strategy for a digital marketing blog.
Develop a Catalogue of New Topics to Cover
One problem content writers and bloggers regularly run into is the lack of original topics to write on.
The solution – bloggers should decide topics weeks and months in advance. Naturally, there should be room for adjustment in case a trending topic comes up. Besides the arrival of any trending news, digital marketing bloggers should know the topics they have to write content on. This saves time on the needless time-wasting on topic selection, which often leads to haphazard writing and uninspired content spying from other top digital marketing blogs.
While making the list of topics to cover, digital marketing bloggers should go after topics in which they can offer their own unique insight. Content which has the same inherent value as any other content is not valuable at all. Originality is the most valued commodity a blogger can nurture, especially digital marketing, where even a slight edge over a competitor can make a huge difference.
Embed Social Media Posts, YouTube Videos, and Images in Posts
A lot has been said about the power of the visual medium, so there is no point bandying the point anymore. The only thing digital marketing bloggers should know is that posts with rich visual quality are more likely to be shared, liked, and commented on.
Furthermore, embedding social media posts such as tweets in posts is also a great way to use social media to promote audiences on both platforms. For people on the blog reading embedded tweets, seeing an embedded post offers an incentive to follow the blogger on social media.
Keep Refreshing Old Content. Write Content Based On Old Content
The problem many blogs face is the lack of differentiating factors between them and other similar blogs. Unlike news websites which have a history of illustrious journalists and writers who worked for them, a blog never tries to emulate such a level of elite-dom.
This is where most blogs go wrong. To the normal person, content is content. A blogger in a remote part of the world is accessible as a New York Times writer if the content of the former is at par. To become a leading voice through blog content, bloggers have established a historical context to their own writing. A simple way to do so is to create content based upon old content, giving a historical perspective to the timeline of the blog.
About The Author
Gaurav Digital is a digital marketing expert, educator & branding expert having more than a decade experience. Currently he heads Delhi Courses Academy, known as best digital marketing Institute in Delhi.
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