Those shiny clear crystals might look beautiful and inviting, but they can lead to a deadly addiction. We are talking about methamphetamine or meth. It is high time you knew about the dangers of meth.
People usually snort, smoke, or inject crystal meth. It gives you a high that lasts for hours together, making it the perfect thing to have to stay on ‘cloud nine.’
However, all that glitters is not gold. So, those crystals with tempting glitter are not something you must be proud to possess or consume.
Taking meth is like living in hell. If you don’t believe this, ask thousands of families of addicts who have seen the worst. Many of their addict members are in places like California drug rehab. Although most of them are recovering, they can still not forget those devilish times.
Why is meth so ‘hellish’?
Meth has the power to permanently damage your brain. It also causes serious damage to other vital organs. Abusers of meth are at increased risk of getting a stroke or heart attack.
However, abusers don’t realize this. They are trapped in the illusion of high. For them, the world is a beautiful place when they are snorting their crystalline powder. The way meth makes you feel disillusioned is another matter of danger.
It is difficult for an addict to realize what he or she is getting into. That’s why most addicts hardly want to change their ways. It is for their friends and family, who care for them, to call the drug addiction hotline and seek help.
Alarming figures of addiction
In America alone, you can find over 1.5 million crystal meth addicts! And this number is growing, say experts. “There is an urgent need of the hour to do something about it,” remarks one of the rehab specialists at the California center.
As per reports, addiction to crystal meth causes some of the most disastrous consequences that any drug on the market can cause. The drug severely “grips” the central nervous system. The user feels energetic, unstoppable, euphoric, and on top of the world. It is hard to make the user realize that these feelings are temporary and, most of the time, not real.
Coming out of meth addiction is a challenge. Yet, people have done it. So, if you or anybody you know is addicted to this ‘devilish’ drug, lose no hope. Seek professional help. It may take some time, but it is possible to come out of addiction.
It takes time to De-addict but is possible
In many cases, as observed by rehab experts, it takes atleast two years for an individual to recover physically from meth damage after thorough drug detox. Yet, there still are some “scars” left.
Verbal memory and motor functions usually come back to their normal function after two years of complete abstinence from meth. A few other neurological functions may take more time to repair themselves. This is usually in case of severe and prolonged addiction.
The more you delay in taking treatment, the more damage you do to yourselves.
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